
Looking for an Internship?

Haven House Services is searching for some great interns! Internships are available year-round, however internship placements fill up quickly. Interns are expected to have a larger time commitment and are scheduled regularly. All Haven House Services internships are volunteer positions and unpaid. All potential interns are required to complete an application, background check forms as well as an interview and reference check. This ensures that the best fit is achieved for the intern as well as the agency!

Current (non-direct care) internship opportunities that would provide a macro-level experience:

  • Fundraising/marketing/special events
  • Accounting
  • Administrative
  • MPA intern
  • Quality assurance/strategic planning

Direct care internship opportunities:

  • Diversion programs (JDT, MST, JAT-BSW/MSW/psych majors)
  • Crisis and Homeless Services (BSW/MSW majors)
  • Intervention programs (RCS, Second Round-criminology or psych majors)

If you are interested in interning with Haven House Services please fill out the individual volunteer interest PDF, save it and attach it and your resume to an email to or  Click here to download the Haven House Services Volunteer Interest Form PDF. Please include the amount of hours your internship requires, when your internship would need to start and end, and what your availability is during the week.  In order for our interns to have appropriate supervision, we normally schedule hours during regular work hours Monday-Saturday.  We cannot guarantee direct clinical contact hours.

If you have questions, please email