Stories of Impact

Meet Keishawn

At 16, Keishawn was looking for a positive outlet to keep himself out of trouble. He found out about the Second Round after-school boxing and fitness program from a friend and began his journey. He says “It changed the way I look at myself – I saw I was someone of value.” Now a coach in the program, Keishawn is giving back to the next generation.

Read Keishawn’s Story here. 

Meet Franchesca

At 23 years old, Franchesca was a single mom navigating difficult relationships and did not have a local support system or stable housing. At the time, she was staying at a shelter with her young daughter and was hoping for the support she needed to make a change. The shelter referred her to Haven House Services’ Transition in Place (TIP) program. She said once she connected with Haven House, her life drastically changed.

Read Franchesca’s Story here. 

Meet Ray

Ray was 13 when he moved to Raleigh with his single father. His dad took on two jobs while looking for stable housing. Due to his age, Ray was unable to stay with his father at the men’s shelter so his dad brought him to Wrenn House. Ray stayed at Wrenn House for nearly a month while his dad saved up enough money to move them into an apartment. Haven House staff members reached out to several donors to help Ray and his dad furnish their new home. At last check in, Ray and his father were still living in their apartment and continuing to thrive.

Meet Ava

15-year-old Ava was struggling with substance use, leaving the home without permission, and not attending school for more than six months. After Ava’s mom reached out to Haven House for help, one of our licensed therapists met with Ava and conducted several assessments, resulting in a diagnosis of depression. The therapist worked with Ava and her caregiver to address Ava’s mental health needs and problem behaviors. The therapist also equipped Ava’s mom with tools and resources to help move Ava and the family toward positive change.

After a few months of services, Ava successfully returned to school, decreased her substance use, and the family improved their overall relationship and communication. Haven House also helped the caregiver establish a strong connection with the school. We look forward to seeing all that Ava will accomplish in the future!

Meet Jordan

In his teens, Jordan got involved with the wrong crowd. He started getting in trouble. All of that changed when he started coming to Haven House’s Second Round boxing program – an afterschool, intervention program that uses boxing and fitness to help youth build skills needed to overcome challenges and find success outside of the gym.

Hear how Jordan says Second Round changed his life by watching this short video:

Meet Carmela

15-year-old Carmela constantly felt stressed by the pressures of school and life. She was often angry. So she looked for something to do after school that would help her “escape” her worries. Carmela found what she needed at Haven House’s Second Round program. The program uses boxing and fitness to help youth find a positive path. Carmela says the program has helped her become stronger – physically and mentally.“Second Round has made me more confident in myself,” she says. “The workouts showed me that I can accomplish things I didn’t know I could. I am healthier and less stressed … I still get mad, but Second Round helped me learn how to control my anger.”

And Carmela’s future is as bright as the smile she is hiding behind her gloves. “I want to coach others, get good grades, and go to college.And I want to use what I’ve learned in Second Round to help me along the way.”

Watch ABC11’s story on Carmela and Second Round:

Meet Darryl

More than 15 years ago, Darryl was homeless and in a situation he thought he couldn’t get out of. The day he found Haven House is the day that he started to feel some hope and began to see a path forward. Haven House was in his corner.

You can watch a short video about Darryl’s journey below:

Meet Luke

Luke was having a tough time when his parents decided to get a divorce. Not only did it affect his relationship with his mother, it had changed his family dynamic. At 16, he began running away and skipping school. Luke was then introduced to the Haven House Juvenile Diversion Team. When he first came into the program, he was withdrawn and apprehensive to open up. After a few meetings with his case manager, he realized that he had a caring adult in his corner that he could trust to help him set goals for the future. Luke is now focused on continuing to keep good grades and attending all of his classes. He has also decided to take part in extracurricular activities and is enjoying playing on the baseball team. While Luke still has some tough days, his case manager says that his outlook has changed dramatically, his positivity is infectious, and he is moving in an exciting direction.

Meet Tyeshia

Tyeshia found hope and a chance for a new beginning at Haven House Services. On the verge of being homeless, Tyeshia connected with Haven House’s Street Outreach Program, which in turn referred her to the agency’s Transition in Place program. That program helped Tyeshia and her two young children find and move into an apartment. Haven House helped Tyeshia find child care, enroll in GED classes, find a job and build parenting and independent living skills. Tyeshia hopes to become a nursing assistant, and we are honored to be part of her journey to a brighter future. You can watch a short video about Tyeshia’s journey  below: