Across our programs, Haven House works with youth and their families to strengthen and/or repair relationships and help parents/caregivers build and implement new skills and strategies to help their youth succeed.
These programs include:
Multi-Systemic Therapy – Partners with youth and their families to provide an evidence-based treatment program to strengthen the family unit and ensure that youth can successfully remain in their homes and/or communities
Juvenile Diversion Team – Works with youth and families not currently involved in the juvenile justice system who have problems, such as truancy, not complying with rules at home, and/or running away
Wrenn House – The only homeless, runaway, and crisis intervention program and shelter for youth ages 10-17 in the Triangle. Offers individual and family counseling
Community Alternatives Program – Provides intensive case management, intensive monitoring, family support, and services for youth currently at risk for placement in detention or pending release from detention and uses a combination of intensive case management along with individual and family counseling to help curb gang activity in youth at risk for gang involvement or youth who are currently gang-involved