Haven House Services runs a variety of programs that help more than 1,500 youth each year who are homeless, in crisis, or facing significant life challenges. They are:
Wrenn House – The only homeless, runaway, and crisis intervention program and shelter for youth ages 10-17 in the Triangle
Street Outreach – Provides runaway, homeless and street dependent youth ages 16-24 with food, hygiene kits, life skills classes, case management, and referrals to needed services. We are the designated “point of entry” agency in the community to assist youth under the age of 24 experiencing homelessness.
Transition in Place – Helps homeless youth ages 18-24 and their minor dependents (if applicable) move into transitional housing services. We offer case management, life skills classes and referrals to needed services.
Second Round – Uses boxing, fitness, and exercise to teach youth involved in at-risk behaviors self-discipline, teamwork, leadership, healthy living, and other pro-socialization elements
Juvenile Diversion Programs – Work with youth and families not currently involved in the juvenile justice system who are having difficulties in school, at home or in the community.
Multi-Systemic Therapy – Partners with youth and their families to provide an evidence-based treatment program in an effort to strengthen the family unit and ensure that youth can successfully remain in their homes and/or communities
Outpatient Therapy – Provides quality support ranging from clinical assessments, individual and family therapy sessions, guidance on your recovery journey, education, and additional mental health resources to our youth (ages 7-24). Together we can create a thriving community for all.
Juvenile Assessment Team – Conducts screenings and comprehensive clinical assessments for youth currently involved in the juvenile justice system and makes referrals for youth to recommended service providers
Community Alternatives Program – Provides intensive case management, intensive monitoring, family support, and services for youth currently at-risk for placement in detention or pending release from detention
Restitution and Community Service – Allows diverted and court-involved youth to perform supervised community service hours and/or earn restitution to benefit victims