Juvenile Diversion Programs

Our Juvenile Diversion Programs are a short-term, voluntary programs that work with youth and families not currently involved in the juvenile justice system who have problems such as truancy/suspensions, not complying with rules in the home, and/or running away.

The Juvenile Diversion Team provides complete assessment of needs for youth and family, development of service plans targeting problem behaviors, available 24/7 support, and intensive case management for a period of approximately 5 months. The goal of the Juvenile Diversion Team is to support youth in increasing responsible behaviors at home, school and communities and preventing future involvement with the court system.

The Juvenile Diversion Team and School Based Diversion staff work out of Haven House’s main office (1008 Bullard Court, Raleigh, NC 27615) and services are provided in the youth’s home.

Eligibility Criteria:  Youth ages 6-17

Program Documentation: